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How to Add an ISO in a PDF?

What is ISO field?

The ISO field is used for the document number stores and standardizes document identifiers, ensuring consistent formatting and easy tracking across systems.

1) Select left corner menu icon to open sidebar.

What is ISO field?

2) Go to Template Setting, select Digital Form Template and then choose PDF Template Customization.

What is ISO field?

3) Select Digital Form Template and Digital Form Category.

What is ISO field? What is ISO field?

4) Select setting icon next to the ISO Field.

What is ISO field?

5) Choose ISO Field colour, position and the ISO Name and then click done.

What is ISO field?

6) Click ‘Save’ to save the settings and confirm it.

What is ISO field? What is ISO field?

7) As a result, the ISO name will appear in the top-right corner of the digital form, as shown below.

What is ISO field?